Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Why did my Capricorn man disappear after 8 months?

I dated a man long distance for 8 months. He was adorable and loved me up. He would travel across the US just to see me and meet me. The text and phone calls were amazing. He introduced me to his sister and made plans to meet the rest of his family soon. He had just booked us tickets to go on vacation to the Grand Caymans and I was supposed to go to his sisters for Thanksgiving. In November he called me one afternoon to let me know he had to go to a business meeting and had called ahead to a woman and asked her to save him a place at her table. He told me she was so damn funny twice. I was confused but let it go.... He never called me that night as promised . I asked him about it when he came here. He just said he was so busy with customers at dinner he just didn't. He said it very matter of fact and sweetly. He had come to Cali for a few days and stayed at my house, I kind of noticed he had become cranky just before leaving to the airport because he was running late. I got him there on time and told him to hurry. He apologized and called me throughout the week. I was kind of standoffish because I was hurt, and disappointed. At the end of the week I tried to call and he sent me a text saying.... Thought your phone was broken or you were pouting. I replied... no, not pouting just processing. He then sent me a text reading... Alrighty then, could you please send me my things? He sent me a text weeks later saying... Hi, hope you are well.. Happy turkey day to you and your lovely family. I responded the same saying tell your family I said the same. he replied, k. When he returned home from his trip at Thanksgiving he arrived to find his box of things on his porch. A note included reading.. I am saddened that you think this is an acceptable way to break up a serious relationship. I have not heard from him since his text on Thanksgiving and it's been 25 days. The night he returned home from his trip on Thanksgiving he tore his whole face book off, instead of deleting me or just leaving it???? No, he didn't block me its all down all 131 friends and family prob wondering what? I send him a text a few days ago asking him to see me in person and let me know why he shut down. His response was I will be out of town for those dates. I gave him all the space during our relationship. He asked me to marry him many times and planned our whole lives together. Asked me for my ring size in Oct., was going to move here. Adored me... . I loved him up too but never pushed or threw commitment out there or tried too hard. I am self sufficient and financially secure. A good mom and friend, girlfriend. I am not clingy and I called him way less than he called me. There were lot of times I noticed that If I were to do or say the wrong thing, he would change his tone or kind of disappear for a while. But never for long and he would come back good as ever. At times he would put my calls to voice mail if he was upset. Interesting I usually had to guess as to what he was mad about. I sent him a picture one time of me in a skirt with pumps on. At first he was like dang baby your so hot.. Then he backed way off and seemed distant for a week. I find him attractive, but I know I could do better. The point is that I love him and don't care about other men. I am very attractive and don't care. I love who he is. He said to me that night I sent the picture.. I know you had men chasing to get your number dressed like that. If not then they were sure the hell staring. I am so confused with all of this. I am a pisces and very kind and loving. Sensitive to his feelings and giving him what he needs I thought? Is he gone for good? Should I care? I am shocked to say the least. When he was here and got out of bed he kind of covered himself up with a pillow and has made comments to being fat. Tried to have with me leaving his shirt on? I love him and I don't care if he's not perfect. He is also a perfectionist. Could an expert or a cap man please fill me in on what the hell I can expect. My heart is broken. I go two different ways..I am not a man and don't understand what he is thinking. Is he angry? Finished? Hoping I will run after him? Understand he was constantly telling me he loved and adored me and I did the same. I did and do love him. He is a wonderful person and funny. Kind of critical and hard sometimes but he had all my love. I know he was genuine. Period!! He spent money to travel here and text and called often. Bought our tickets for the Caymans... And I know he's not rolling in money rite now. What in the hell do I do? I miss and love him. I have backed off and not done much at this point, I am confused. My heart says he wanted me to give him more attention but I guess I was afraid of running him off. I know caps need space. HELP... I'm about to wear God out with my prayers. He would say constantly, forever till were old and grey. Your my soul mate... I'm in it forever. Never been this happy.

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