Thursday, August 11, 2011

Did i over eat today?

First of all, 132 lbs. at 5'9" is a great weight for a female your age so you shouldn't stress out too much about losing weight. In fact, if you tone up, you may weigh more due to your muscle increase but you will look much much slimmer and probably go down a pants size. That being said, if you are serious about getting healthy, here are some tips that I would like to share with you. I have recently lost 25 lbs. and I cut out sweets as much as possible. Once or twice a week in moderation is fine, but you can't eat ice cream and candy every day. Also, if you are eating greek yogurt, you DO NOT need ANY protein powder. That stuff will do you absolutely no good and you will get plenty of protein from the yogurt. It's great to snack on fruits and veggies throughout the day to boost your energy and keep your stomach from growling. The most important thing is to cut out ALL SODA! There is nothing natural about diet soda. It is complete poison for your body which we fool into thinking is being hydrated when in fact is just being pumped full of artificial sweetener. I know you've probably heard it before but the most important thing you can do is drink water, water, and more water. It will keep you hydrated, less hungry, improve your skin, and helps your body purify itself. Plain water is the best way to go, not any of those artificially sweetened and flavored powders you put into water, no vitamin water zero, etc. I hated the "non-taste" of water when I started drinking so much of it and now I love it. Also, develop an appreciation for hot tea. It is full of anti oxidants and is a great substitute when you are craving a flavored drink! You didn't particularly over eat today, but if you just change a few eating habits you will start to see really great results. Good luck!!

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