Sunday, August 7, 2011

These girls won't leave me alone; its making me really miserable. what can I do?

I moved to the United States from France because of my Dads work and aside from a two weeks at the beginning, my time here has been miserable. A group of girls have been making my time at school terrible for no reason except me being French. I was fine at the beginning, but then things changed. 2 boys had asked me out in the second week of school; I’d said I was just getting settled but doing something as friends would be nice. This seemed to set this group of girls off on me; they started making comments about me being ‘easy’ but I was just asked, that was it. Every time I speak they mock my accent, I hate speaking out in cl because I can always hear their laughing. If I’m walking in the corridor, they’ll kick my heel to try to trip me up. I’ve always liked fashion, but I never wear anything now except plain clothes and I never wear dresses anymore, because they always take my clothes as an excuse to mock something. I feel miserable. I’ve met some nice people here, but these girls are making it impossible for me to enjoy anything. I’m afraid to tell a teacher because I think they won’t do anything because I’m foreign. I know that sounds stupid, but I just feel like that. I’m sorry if this seems like a bit of a rant; I just wanted to get it out. has anyone been in a situation like this? how can i deal with this and stop it happening? thanks for any advise

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