Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Football/Soccer: I need to buy a new training ball. What is the best?

Try an adidas Glider ball, the Puma and Nike training always seem to come from the manufacturer lopsided or weird in terms of shape... I have an adidas Roteiro glider from 2005 and it's still perfect in terms of performance and shape even though I've used it for countless hours of soccer training

Shold I throw them away-vey?

If I saw a patient scratch her bum, then dip into the bowl off holiday colored M&M's, should I toss them or watch in glee as others delve into the "tainted" (no pun ontended) treats. I will no longer have any desire to eat handfulls of said M&M's for breakfast. fact

Prove if m|n, then φ(m)|φ(n).?

Let m and n be positive integers. Let φ be the Euler phi function defined... φ(a) is the number of integers n, 1<=n<=a, such that (a,n)=1.

What statistical test should I run?

I'm doing a statistical research project on the independence of free throw shots in the NBA. The problem is that I can't put free throw shooters into a group because they have different completion percentages. How should I collect the data and then yze it?

What would NOT be considered intellectual property, but that people might think?

Intellectual property can be a copyright, trademark, trade secret, process etc that is unique to an individual or organization. However, I am asking an example of something that would NOT be covered.

How to fix my bleached hair disaster?

tried to get to blonde, and didnt quite make it. I was wary of using bleach in the first place, but went ahead anyways. Without going really dark again, is there a way to get my hair blonde without having to bleach it again? can I just put regular dye over it, even though it has that yellow tint to it? How long do I need to walk around with my new banana head before I can fix it? Emergency help please, so me and my hats dont become best friends?!

Back by popular demand, Brain Teaser # ? lost count?

There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of black babies.....What is it?

P value and t statistic?

The answer is B. It's clearly a one-sided test and the P-Value is reported for a 1-sided test. The other answers are just nonsense.

What is the cost to have alloy wheels put on my car with hubcaps?

I have a 2001 Mitsubishi Galant. Currently i just have wheels with hubcaps. What else needs to be done, apart from putting the wheels on themselves. Do i need painted brake shoes? Excluding the cost of the rims and tires, how must would everything else that needs to be done cost?

Am i allergic to gluten?

i'm always ALWAYS bloated, my stomach feels like it's just full of gas (i know, ewww). i don't have trouble gaining weight, but after dinner, (usually of rice or pasta), im SUPER matter what i eat my stomach hurts...i don't know if this means im allergic to gluten but maybe it is....its not just after dinner that ill bloat. is there a test or something my doctor can do?

Positive OPK at 5:30 pm but..... ?!?!?!?

Ovulation on an opk is usually anywhere from 12 to 36 hrs after a positive test. So there is no way of knowing if you missed it. Unless you had the fore mind to take another opk stick before you had . But there's a possibility to hit it right on the nose from saturday's BD. Cause sperm can live in the female body anywhere from 3 to 5 days.

Does anyone else think Simon should have different Co-Judges on Britain's Got Talent?

Pierce's silly sniping at Simon and Amanda's Stupid which are innapropriate are beyond a joke, last night she was so patronising to the Break-Dancer I can't stand either of them, Fern Britten, Denice Walsh or Colleen Nolan should replace Amanda and perhaps someone like Gary Wilmot, Les Dennis or Andrew O'Connor should replace Pierce

Is this poem a Petrarchan Sonnet?

No, it's not. If you look up the rhyme scheme for a Petrarchan sonnet, you'll find that the first eight lines rhyme abba abba. (The final six lines can rhyme in a number of different patterns.) This Robert Frost sonnet has what's called a terza rima rhyme scheme. If you're interested, you can web search "terza rima" for further information.


Stretching properly before and after the run. Proper Hydration. After the run don't sit down right away to stretch. Walk around so your body adjusts from the rapid pace of running to a more gradual slow down of your body, then stretch.

'96 Ram 1500 w/360 Eng. OVERHEATS slowly?

The hotter the weather, the hotter it gets! Doesn't matter if it's at idle, or going down the road. The person I bought it from said he had just replaced the fan clutch, and thermostat. When driving and heating up I can see by the gauge when the thermostat opens, but after that it steadily climbs until about 240 or so and then levels out. There is no coolant loss! There is no loss of power, or pinging! I pulled a boat about 250 miles like this w/no problems! Could this be a faulty sensor or gauge? Or would it be something more like the radiator?

How too have trust in my boyfriend'?

i wnat too have trust in my boyfriend but past ex's im just worryed that hes ganna **** up and stuff he never cheated on a girl b4' i just idk i just wnat too know how too have trust in him'

Bought this skirt for work...outfit ideas?

Okay so dresscode at work is Business Casual. I was at Pennys today [they never let me down lol] and I saw this skirt and pretty much loved it. So I ordered it. I'm petite, so it's a tad longer on me, but still looks tailored. The high waste line is pretty flattering on me, as I have virtually no curves lol. I would LOVE outfit ideas to go with the skirt. Jewelry, ect. I fail at shopping and all that jazz lol.a href="|58018|58019&mscssid=66cfca68add08422b865959d231060fd7xMnVNoV5aGWxMnVNoV5aGo200B806A46B39BEDD84271DFE1126B531B660920408" rel="nofollow"…/a

Oh, hello there! I'm not quite sure I understand this?

Why do earthlings: "Democrats" constantly show earth emotion: "hatred" for earth nation: "Unites States" institution: "electoral college" as a means of picking an earth nation: "United States" President? Both R2 and I were under the impression that earthlings: "Democrats" wanted every earthlings: "US Citizen" voice to be heard and not just the "US Citizen" voices of major "United States" population centers?

Republicans - Is military experience important to you?

It think it's great that they have served the country...however, that's merely a thing to look at when it comes to qualifying for presidency...

Why do some bike riders insist on riding on road edges when there are bike paths along the roads?

I am not dissing biking, I enjoy biking myself. It just seems to be dangerous to ride that close to to vehicles on the road and when these bikers ride in turn lanes but don't turn, you just don't really know what they are going to do. I just would like to know why they prefer the road to the bike path.

How to do MLA quote citation?

I'm not 100% sure, I need to write and explain memorable quotes from Tom Sawyer, and I want to make sure I do the MLA quote citation perfectly. Can anyone give me an example? Thanks.

Boyfriend Not Talking To Me, My Fault?

We're both 17 and had gotten into an silly argument at my house about a week ago, I started yelling at him and calling him names. He's a very conserved person and he just said leave me alone. I told him he can't run from his problems and to face them like a man but he started to walk away. I tried grabbing him a couple of times and he kept saying don't touch me. I got really mad at him and slapped him by accident. He looked really upset and went home. I've tried talking to him over the last week, I've been texting him and calling everyday but he doesn't answer. Every time I see him at school he just walks away and doesn't let me get close to him . I'm really sorry for what I did and I promise I would never do it again. I just want my boyfriend back. How do I get him to talk to me again?

Clinton is now the new Bush?

Do your feel Iran would not use nuclear power against the US? I am tired of kissing every persons who may believe if we do not act more extreme than the extremist we will lose our civilized world....Remember the beheadings...Do you realize the mentality of these persons who could care less if you live or die...wether Obama or Clinton said it ..should not matter these persons need to know we do not need their hatred in our society or should they be allowed to intimidate persons even less fortunate then they are in the name of ISLAM or any one elses name....wake up this is about greed and oil the same as any other greed monger....This is about Iran and their quest for power and control over the US and Isreal ..So now what do you think open your minds....

Isn't it odd that Oprah's vote did not count when the machine malfunctioned according to expert brad?

This article has a picture of the guy that wrote the blog smoking a joint, so I don't think I would believe his garbage.

People to fit these crimes/sins?

What is your question? We have all committed these actions at one point or another. Are you looking for example of serial killers? Reasons? Criminal Profiles?

Is this colon cancer? PLEASE HELP!!?

My mom is felling very sick she said that it hurts when she poops, and there is a little blood. she is also hurting in her lower back, an her lower abdom hurts really bad, and pressure when she sits down. when she goes to the bathroom its mucusy blood. she said the pains are like having contractions.!! please help this is serious! Thanks =]

Is this cheating because my husband sure thinks it is?

Too bad it's not your time of the month, because I have NEVER seen someone so badly in need of a PERIOD. Holy cow. 21 lines and only ONE "...."

Any answer helps... please dont be mean :) Guy trouble...?

Keep on doing what you are doing. Be reuring in your relationship. He will come around if it is something he really wants, too. Tell him how you feel lots!!

Is Obama ("my Muslim faith") going to go to Yemen and do some of his patented bowing and apologizing?

After all, he's been in the WH now for what...4 or 5 days? He needs to gas up his 747's and leave some more carbon footprints as he shows the world more of his weakness.

Whats the highest lotto jackpot?

The largest is Mega Millions played in 12 states and the highest payout to date was 390 million shared between two people - I wish I was one of them!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Why did my Capricorn man disappear after 8 months?

I dated a man long distance for 8 months. He was adorable and loved me up. He would travel across the US just to see me and meet me. The text and phone calls were amazing. He introduced me to his sister and made plans to meet the rest of his family soon. He had just booked us tickets to go on vacation to the Grand Caymans and I was supposed to go to his sisters for Thanksgiving. In November he called me one afternoon to let me know he had to go to a business meeting and had called ahead to a woman and asked her to save him a place at her table. He told me she was so damn funny twice. I was confused but let it go.... He never called me that night as promised . I asked him about it when he came here. He just said he was so busy with customers at dinner he just didn't. He said it very matter of fact and sweetly. He had come to Cali for a few days and stayed at my house, I kind of noticed he had become cranky just before leaving to the airport because he was running late. I got him there on time and told him to hurry. He apologized and called me throughout the week. I was kind of standoffish because I was hurt, and disappointed. At the end of the week I tried to call and he sent me a text saying.... Thought your phone was broken or you were pouting. I replied... no, not pouting just processing. He then sent me a text reading... Alrighty then, could you please send me my things? He sent me a text weeks later saying... Hi, hope you are well.. Happy turkey day to you and your lovely family. I responded the same saying tell your family I said the same. he replied, k. When he returned home from his trip at Thanksgiving he arrived to find his box of things on his porch. A note included reading.. I am saddened that you think this is an acceptable way to break up a serious relationship. I have not heard from him since his text on Thanksgiving and it's been 25 days. The night he returned home from his trip on Thanksgiving he tore his whole face book off, instead of deleting me or just leaving it???? No, he didn't block me its all down all 131 friends and family prob wondering what? I send him a text a few days ago asking him to see me in person and let me know why he shut down. His response was I will be out of town for those dates. I gave him all the space during our relationship. He asked me to marry him many times and planned our whole lives together. Asked me for my ring size in Oct., was going to move here. Adored me... . I loved him up too but never pushed or threw commitment out there or tried too hard. I am self sufficient and financially secure. A good mom and friend, girlfriend. I am not clingy and I called him way less than he called me. There were lot of times I noticed that If I were to do or say the wrong thing, he would change his tone or kind of disappear for a while. But never for long and he would come back good as ever. At times he would put my calls to voice mail if he was upset. Interesting I usually had to guess as to what he was mad about. I sent him a picture one time of me in a skirt with pumps on. At first he was like dang baby your so hot.. Then he backed way off and seemed distant for a week. I find him attractive, but I know I could do better. The point is that I love him and don't care about other men. I am very attractive and don't care. I love who he is. He said to me that night I sent the picture.. I know you had men chasing to get your number dressed like that. If not then they were sure the hell staring. I am so confused with all of this. I am a pisces and very kind and loving. Sensitive to his feelings and giving him what he needs I thought? Is he gone for good? Should I care? I am shocked to say the least. When he was here and got out of bed he kind of covered himself up with a pillow and has made comments to being fat. Tried to have with me leaving his shirt on? I love him and I don't care if he's not perfect. He is also a perfectionist. Could an expert or a cap man please fill me in on what the hell I can expect. My heart is broken. I go two different ways..I am not a man and don't understand what he is thinking. Is he angry? Finished? Hoping I will run after him? Understand he was constantly telling me he loved and adored me and I did the same. I did and do love him. He is a wonderful person and funny. Kind of critical and hard sometimes but he had all my love. I know he was genuine. Period!! He spent money to travel here and text and called often. Bought our tickets for the Caymans... And I know he's not rolling in money rite now. What in the hell do I do? I miss and love him. I have backed off and not done much at this point, I am confused. My heart says he wanted me to give him more attention but I guess I was afraid of running him off. I know caps need space. HELP... I'm about to wear God out with my prayers. He would say constantly, forever till were old and grey. Your my soul mate... I'm in it forever. Never been this happy.

Mayan/aztec temples of mexico?

Having been to both the Aztec and Mayan ruins I must tell you they are both totally unique.Buy a guide book so you understand a little of what you are seeing. Don't rush through. Take your time and get a feeling for the ruins and area. When you're there beware of the vendors. They are most insistant. Learn to say No Thank You and move on or you'll spend your time being harred. Drink plenty of water and wear loose clothes as it it hot all year long.

I cant figure if im goofy or regular!!?

i used to skate but not anymore.... what ppl used to tell me was "stand at the bottom of some stairs and walk up" your fist foot should be the one you use to take your first step :)

How can I make my 19-month old granddaughter less shy towards me?

We see the little grands twice a year and the smaller they were the more shy they were when we'd first arrive. But it didn't take long. I made sure they had photos of us between visits. Photos of us with them are really good. Then I send cards and small books about every month so they are reminded who we are in between visits. Phone calls are good tho at that age they don't quite understand who's on the other end. It'll get better with age.

How do you control your emotions better?

Man i have never been able to put the way i feel into words, but reading that was like listening to myself think.

Sculpture Project, Help for Ideas?

If you type Yorkshire sculpture park into your search box it will put you in touch with one of the best modern galleries.They are very approachable and you will find the staff very helpful at linking you with artists.

What type of piano should I buy to play these songs?

To play them I would recommend a digital piano. It has all the keys a piano has, it's much smaller and runs on electricity. Some good brands are Celviano or Privia. You can also change how it sounds such as setting it to a grand piano which would sound like a grand piano when you play it. You can also play duets. Hope I've helped!

Can a parent cosign a leased honda civic with me?

All you can do is try. Although, they probably are going to run the same credit report thing, but some banks are more lenient than others.

Dec. Of Indepence wksht. questions...?

Omg i can understand 1 or 2 problems but 8 and in complete sentences i mean are you really that lazy i mean you have your book and you have the internet to HELP you not to abuse it. dont you ppl pay attention in cl like seriously do your own homework, you have the resources you are just to lazy to use them.

What are two important facts for Edgar Allan Poe?

He was.. absolutely the greatest Author that EVER lived ..and he was doing drugs regurally..Not a joke I am serious

Will you vote for rudy even if you knew he was a fraud?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why am I suddenly being transferred all the time and not given any significant work to do?

I've been transferred twice in the last five years with no reason given. When I asked this last time, they mumbled something about budget cuts. Every transfer is also to a lower ranking supervisor within the department. Since my latest transfer this past September, my new supervisor has given me no significant work to do. Other people there all seem to have ignments are are busy working on them. It's my gut feeling that my last supervisor before this told him that I make too may mistakes and don't work fast enough, a frequent contention between us and a problem when working with people who are roughly half my age. Having nothing to do makes the days long and frustrating, so I tried Internet browsing to fill the boring hours. Now twice within the last week he has told me - no Internet use unless it is work-related. Then I brought in a word puzzle book. He is not happy with that either and said he didn't want be doing any games or puzzles because if someone came in the room and saw it, it would reflect badly on HIM. What am I supposed to do all day - just sit, stare at the ecru walls and twiddle my appendages? I'm afraid if I complain to HR, they will investigate and determine my services aren't really needed and get canned, if I am not on the brink now. After putting in 36 years with this employer, and on the verge of retiring, you think they could treat me a little better. Right now I feel like I'm just treading water until I'm eligible for retirement in 5 years. One of my friends theorizes that since I am near retirement, they may be trying to frustrate me to the point I quit so they won't have to pay my pension. What's your gut feeling? (I know you're only hearing my side of it, but that's all I can tell you).

Caught doing 125km in a 100 zone, with P1 licence.?

The faulty speedo is no excuse. You need to ensure you car is in working order, since you knew it wasn't and drove anyway you will find no sympathy anywhere.

Fantasy Football: BLOCKBUSTER TRADE help?

Trade two is the way to go. Trade one you give up too much. The way I approach these trades is by A talent versus B talent. In the second trade Matt Forte is the only A talent so you are getting the benefit here. In the first trade, Larry Fitzgerald is the only A talent so you are getting the poor end of this deal.

High School Musical Liars?

Ok you know high school musical's Zac Efron? Well i herd that Zac Efron didn't sing on the first HSM album! is this true if so who did. The part about the lieing is i looked on the album cover book and it said the songs were sang by Zac Efron!

Why are Immigration Activists angry with the position Lakers coach, Phil Jackson has taken?

This is the part I do not get.Illegals have been all about respect but when someone decides not to be involved in their dispute instead of respecting his decision they become outraged and angry..

I dont know what to dooooooooooo!!!?

I'd just take whatever you want to take. You are about to give birth so anything you want too take to make you and the baby comfortable will be fine . You have storage to put it. However ya might not have access to the bag if labour comes on quick in an inconvienient place or time lol and in this case the hospital can provide this stuff. Best wishes

Do people that talk abut a lot do it that often?

People say no but I say "Well why lie about it? If you do then you do, if you don't then you don't."

Should more conservatives go into business?

I thought a lot of conservatives were IN business, and were so mean and had shady business practices? That's a lot of what I seem to hear about us on here, anyway.

Why did people find the death of a shark at Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas so funny?

I saw on TMZ a few nights ago that a shark jumped out of his enclosure and onto a water slide into a chlorinated pool an died shortly after. They were laughing and making fun of this terrible situation. I, personally, did not find it funny at all. Sharks are on the brink of being endangered and no one seems to care or notice...What do you guys think? Is it funny, disturbing or you just don't care?

I think that wrestlemania going to texas is cool how about you?

and also which texan will make the most impact chose from these two: shawn michaels from san antonio or the undertaker from houston and what do you think they are going to do at wrestlemania your thouhts are appriciated thanks

What is sacrification and suspension?

just a rough idea, nothing to gory... i'm kinda afraid to search it on google or bme in case it's nasty...

Is this a CUTE OUTFIT for summer ????????

Soooo supercute!:) Kinda depends on your body shape though. That dress could only be pulled off by someone skinny. It would look frumpy on someone with too many curves. The color and material are lovely :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

What does a bronze star mean on an Iraqi Campaign Medal?

A service star, also referred to as a battle star, campaign star, or engagement star, is an attachment to a military decoration which denotes participation in military campaigns or multiple bestowals of the same award. Service stars are typically issued for campaign medals, service medals, ribbon awards, and certain military badges. Service stars are different from award stars, which are issued for multiple awards of meritorious and combat decorations.

My zebra finches hatched today but one of them is dead why is this?

one of my pairs of zebra finches eggs all hatched today two this morning and the last one any time between 8:00 pm and 11:00 pm as this was when i last checked them but the last one that hatched was dead when i looked it had no toes i think that its not developed properly and the parents cracked the egg or something. also how can i tell if they are being fed i have baby budgies they are Nearly a week old now they are doing fine but i don't know how to tell if the finches are being fed or not as they are so tiny can any body help my questions?

Itunes help please. this showed up on my screen?

Go to "Store" at the bar at the top of the window and click, "Check for available downloads". I get that message sometimes and that usually works.

What would be a good made up tour name for the band Korn?

For my econ cl we are doing a rock concert project, and i need to come up with a tour name for Korn and opening act of Metallica. Any ideas? i need them ASAP!! THANKS!

Shakespeare Monolouge?

have an audition coming up soon for Macbeth, and what i need to prepare is any Shakespeare monologue less than two minutes long for a male. I think that a less recognized monologue would be more proper. Please give me any opinions and recommendations. Thanks for help.

Ideas for a farewell for my fience.?

My fience and I have been together for 16 months. I'm 19 hes 25 I never thought that I would get in to college now I have across the country so we have decided to go or seperate ways and if we cross pathes again its all good and well i need a idea of somthing to go for him I thought about a nice a dinner and farewell poem but i dunno any suggestions.

How can I make this more descriptive?

You could describe the bugs and birds. Did the black bugs have iridescent shells, glittering eyes? What sound did their movement make? You could maybe describe the foliage, any strange plants (it soudns like a jungle, so I'll go with that haha) or trees...

I need a good crock-pot fish recipe...?

I like making fish on fridays for lent, but I don't have time to make a nice dinner. What kind of recipes are there for fish in the Crockpot???

What should i buy, Sound System or Rims?

I'd go for the sound first... your ride is about you, and it's there for your enjoyment first, before being aesthetically pleasing to someone else 2nd. I'm sure you'd be driving it more than looking at it, right? The change what is going to benefit you more

Is Wesley Clark bucking for the V.P. spot with Obama?

Yes, Clarke wants to be VP. I don't think it's "pure nonsensical genius". I also don't know that it will be at all effective.

I just don't know where to turn, I think I'm a cry for help?

Jesus is the ultimate answer! He can heal you, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. He is better than drugs, , and alcohol. He can make you feel brand new! Just ask Him to come into your heart and he will take away all the pain, the loneliness, and become your best friend!

Where in S. Tex. can I obtain a welding inspector certification?

Check with one of the Local Union Halls. Carpenters Local 14 in San Antonio might have the information because they also have millwrights and piledrivers in their hall. Pipe fitters hall or boilermakers hall. They don't do the type of certification you're talking about but they might know where you can get it.

Is This Slander What she Said?

YES..any word said against you that affects you in any means and is untrue is slander.....we took this in our ethics cl.

Are Republicans going to support the guy who believes the Earth is 6000 yrs old...for President?

ehh many of these people believe their life is being governed by an invisible being that lives in the clouds, and if you don't believe in this invisible being then you don't have what it takes to be their leader. So, will they support somebody that believes the earth is flat? Sure! Why not... science means diddly to them.

How do you do MLA format on microsoft word 2003?

Idk how to do them in word but i know helped me big time. Then after your bibliography is done you can open it up in word.

11 positive tests?

i would say you are pregnant.but not sure with the negative blood which one did they do if they didnt do the quantitve one then it is very possible for you to get a negative, but the quantitve one will tell you exactly how far along even up to just days of pregnancy

I overplucked by eyebrows for months?

The best solution is to stop plucking them!! When you keep on plucking your eyebrows it will just ruin them even more. As you keep plucking them, every time they grow back. Your eyebrow in that spot where you plucked are not going to grow anymore. Just leave them alone!

Which QB do I start (ff)?

Definitely Cutler cause you really cant depend on Favre every week cause hes thrown a lot of INT. and we haven't seen what Thigpen can constantly do, i would no doubt start Jake Cutler. plus last week Cell ate up the jets with over 400 ping yards.

Help me, my neck is hurt in a weird way, i think paper is inside my neck?

some dumb mean kid spit out the sharp end of his fundip wrapper and it hit my neck now that area of my neck is swollen and itchy, and it isn't healing. I think some paper is in my neck, it fells like it, is that possible. please don't just say go to a doctor, but could a doctor get it out, what should i do please help

Should I go to my neice's wedding?

If you want to go to the wedding, you have been invited. RSVP to warn them. If you don't really want to go and deal with the whole crazy family cloak and dagger stuff, RSVP that you aren't coming but be magnanimous enough to send your niece (whom, I'm uming, isn't being difficult with you) a nice wedding gift. If you go, enjoy yourself but don't expect a lot of family warmth and love, go just for your niece. If things start to get weird or negative with your sister and her spouse, if they start embarring you or start making you feel too uncomfortable, just leave--give your niece and her husband all your love and best wishes before and leave. Keep your distance from yoru sister and her life since you aren't welcome and it doesnt' sound like a place that you'd want to be anyway. Your sister obviously has problems. Get on with your life and make it seem enviable to your sister so later, when she finds out, she may reconsider the "you can't call us" rule--not that it matters. Find new "sisters" to offer moral support and sisterly love--sometimes the best sisters are the ones you aren't blood related to.

I want to enter the Catholic Church, but I don't know any catholics!?

Ring up the local priest and he will tell you when he is holding cles.There will be others there.At the cles you can ask any questions that you want, which will help you to make up your mind on this important step.

Probabilty Question!?

If a genotype Aa is self fertilized, then the probabilty that an offspring is of AA genotype is 1/4. When the genotype Aa was self-fertilized, there were 184 offspring. uming independence, what is the approximate probabilty that there will be more than 60 offspring of AA genotype?

DO YOU AGREE with this statement?

Although every situation is different I do agree that having a solid and stable father relationship for both daughters and sons is a positive thing. I tend to feel that if the father/ mother relationship is one that is built on trust and the ability to keep the avenues of communication open, that the daughter or son will be more apt to go to their parents and hopefully avoid some pitfalls at least.. Sadly these days parental guidance is often missing in a lot of situations and kids don't have the loving guidance they often should have in their formative years..

Does anyone know the name of this book?

OOOOH! I read that too! Grr... The name "Sweet Mrs. Honeywell's Revenge" comes to mind for some reason, but I know that isn't it. Good luck!

Tom drove away from Bigtown 10 minutes after Janice, and overtook her in 20 minutes, ?

if Tom drove at a speed of 90mph, what was Janice's speed in mph? Tom drove away from Bigtown 10 minutes after Janice, and overtook her her in 20 minutes, If Tom drove at a speed of 90mph, what was Janice's speed in mph?_____

OMG Is Booker T really returning to the WWE????????????

My plan worked I edited that after that question about Booker T returning at RR because I knew you people would go looking on Wikipedia.

How do i find friends for my mom?

It's nice that you care about your mom, but it's not your job to find her friends nor to worry about her. You are a child, enjoy being one. She needs to look after herself.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Why is my credit report?

why do some employers use credit report ask for whine i go to do some job app it do not tell u abut the person or what thy can do ,how thy work or how thy life ai so why use it

How can I improve my dancing?

Practice Practice Practice!! Try to gain more flexibility. Is there any specific dance style or move you would like to work on? If so, research it. Check out any low-costing yet good cles/ clinic near your area. Your off to a great start:)

Underage Citation loopholes?

I am 18years old, i was at a party and the cops broke it up. They took down my name and other info but it was all basic info, i didnt have my ID or social security nor did they fingerprint so there really isnt any concrete evidence it was actually me. They did not breathalize or blood test me they didnt even ask if i was drinking i was clearly drunk tho so they put down self admit. what would happen if i show up at court and plead NOT guilty saying I was not there, i was actually sleeping in that night with my roomate? Because its not what you know its what you can prove and there is no proof that the info written on the citation was actually given bny me and not a friend who slandered my name.

My first Custom PC Gaming Build - Need opinouns?

i custom ordered a DELLXPS gaming machine 4 gigs ram liquid and fan cooled cpu and it's just all the gaming i need radeon atv 880 bridgeable graphics .23 inch high def flat screen movies are great and the graphics in games are just fantasitic.g25 logitech racing wheel and pedals a logitech flight yoke .arca remax 08 is my preferred sim i only play sims gamine just cant hold a lite to it.

My heart is broken and i need help

i met this girl at a wedding. she was my partner in the bridal party. we exchanged numbers and we started talking and eventually fell in love. now somehow her parents and her family found out that we were talking and her family is calling her a tramp. and we aren't allowed to be in contact with each other. no phone calls, no instant messaging, no email. nothing. i really love her and wanna be with her. what can i do?

Any good greeting card freeware?

Is there any good Freeware for creating greeting cards with my own pictures? Im looking for a FREE program not just a free trail.

Is "marriage" between two men or between two women a "civil right" that should be imposed without a vote?

There is no such thing as same marriage. If ual deviants get to redefine everything, then so can everyone else. From now on I will be a Senator and am entitled to all the money and perks.

Guys only~ How to stare at a woman's in public in the most discreet manner possible?

quick look, don't stare and keep moving. if you stare with your mouth open in place, yeah, creepy. just do it quick style.

Why is my brother acting like this over a girl?

Maybe she has rejected him. We always go for the ones that don't want us. Sometimes love is about the challenge.

Could u answer this plz?

Looking like you want a test taken for you, I could do it but then I wouldnt sleep from a bad conscience, good luck though.

Can I do Kickboxing even though im VERY overweight?

I'm very overweight. Obese. 270 pounds, 5'4, 20 year old female. I really want to get back into shape, so I wanna start a kickboxing cl. Am I too out of shape and over weight to do kickboxing? Also, if I were to do kickboxing, I was thinking of going to a Tiger Schulmann's right by me. Is that a good place to go?

Is Fibromyalgia and hormone related conditions, i.e early menopause related?

I have read some things that hint to Fibro being autoimmune and the early menopause is usually related to an autoimmune situation. I was diagnosed with Fibro a year ago and early menopause 2 months ago???I am just curious if in anyway this can be related.

Could you help with my study please? Info on cases?

the woman's profession would be irrelevant, the level of intoxication would be's all down to consent, the woman has to prove that she didn't consent which can be impossible, judges are usually on the side of the man and will direct the jury to acquit


That is a nice pokemon team its much better than mine who's highest L is 54 but I did not use any rare candy or cheats. Nice attacks

My Greg Jennings for Peyton Hillis?

I agree that you should try one or two of your other WR's first but if that is rejected I think Jennings for Hillis is a good idea, uming he would take that too. Hillis has been a top 5 back and has a nice schedule the rest of the way. With Rice coming back and the other receivers you have I'm sure you can absorb the loss of Jennings playing matchups and your starting lineup will be stronger overall every week.

Need help with a roommate oweing me money for the deposit when i did the dirty work for her...?

I think you're being petty. For the last few months you have basically been living rent free. Your roommate did not charge you rent even though she probably should have asked you to contribute. I know I would have. So after you've been living rent free, you now want the full security deposit back because of work you have done around the house? Consider that work payment for rent and utilities and don't look back.

Why do so many foreigners want to come to live in the UK when we all seem to hate it?

Don't get me wrong, I love my country and am proud to be a Brit, but it's not exactly paradise here is it? Why do so many foreign people want to move here?

Why are my friend relationships limited, making me feel like im not a part of anything?

I'm 15 and possibly gay though i'm trying to act otherwise. I have many female friends and like 5 or 6 girls that are like my best friends if thats an appropriate term. I have no male friends, however. What troubles me is that these girl-friends of mine only limit our relationship to seeing each other at our houses once in a while and maybe going out for dinner or at a cafe or something. Never do they reach the sleepover phase or the all night dvd night kind of thing, which they do with eachother(only the girls). Same with the boys. Its like the boys are my friends but dont wish to take it any further like "come over to my house" when all the other boys meet up! Its just a "hi, whats up, bye". Ive never been to a guy sleepover and seldom have been invited over to their house. And I feel as if Im in the middle of everything and so many different meetings, sleepovers, outings are happening around me and im just not a part of anything. I mean, even the girl-friends I really love scarcely invite me out with them or ask me to sleep-over. It worries me that it would seem weird to sleepover at a girls house when the parents know about it(not knowing im gay). How can I become part of all this? How can I be close friends with guys and like really be involved in everything? It makes me rather sad, to think about it. Thanks everyone for your help!!!

I need to prove Dr Who is a good Philosopher; i need some profound quotes, any ideas?

One about humanity, love, life, death everything and anything to make me sound half clever in a cl of A level philosophy students!

How common is it to have a stillborn?

The only sign I can think of is less - none baby movements. Be sure to do your baby kick counts and make sure it's up there. If you notice the count is down don't be afraid to call you O.B. and let her know. They will do a Non-Stress Test also called a NST to check the babies heart rate and make sure everything is okay. Don't stress over this because you heard that someone that is the same amount of weeks as you had a still born. Everybody is different and things happen because GOD has a plan for everyone. Take it easy because your baby will feed off of your stress.

Any freeware, sites, etc where i can download software enabling me to put a file i have downloaded using ?

realplayer. I wish to put the film i have downloaded onto a dvd but im a little slow when it comes to doing these things and really dont know where to start. I also dont want any watermarks etc to appear on it!

Do you, this poem, like?

I get the general idea, but one thing really floored me. We are living at the same time in the same country, and presumably speak the same language. But I've been a city boy all my life, and evidently you are from the suburbs or countryside. Yet it is amazing to me how many of the referents are unfamiliar. I think I figured out most of them, but..... what is a "puke?"

What are they drinking in the video Earl by Earls Sweatshirt?

If you haven't, there is a new very weird music video out by a rapper named Earl Sweatshirt. On youtube you can watch his song Earl and the video to go along with it. They make a drink with a bunch of different things, apparently it makes you bleed from all your Orpheus's even your eye. I heard someone say it might be called Astro Sauce or something but I cant find anything about it. Does anyone know? Check the video out if you haven't. Thanks

Bleeding when being on BC? Is it normal?

I have just started using Ortho Evra patch. This week I have been using my second patch, and 2 days ago I started spotting. I know it is written in the brochure that spotting is one of side effects, but I don't know whether it is normal and I should keep using BC, or I should quit. I am getting nervous. I am having an appointment with the doctor on Tuesday but I have got to change the patch today, so I don't know what to do. Change it to the last one in the pack or forget about it. Can anybody help me, please? I am new to things like that, and I really need help. Thank you.

Czech republic v scotland?

anybody fancy hazarding a guess at the scotland line up correct score and first goalscorer make it quick im off to the bookies so give me some of your wee droplets of wisdom

Z: heelp! i died my hair put my roots..! how to i rewind!?

well i dyed my hair and my roots are starting to come out i heard if you put like oxigen water the paint goes away?? is it tru?? is there another way??? help??

Can I use an Xbox 360 controller on my PC games?

Can I use an Xbox 360 controller on my PC games? Do I have to install anything extra or do I just plug it in? Is there anything certain I need to do? Also: Can it be used for older games like quake?

Giving back more to God?

I recently saw the fairly well made film "The Pion of the Christ" By Mel Gibson. I was so amazed and realized the great sacrifice Christ our Lord did for us. I just wanted to know what i could do for God. I follow his ways and help others but i want to do so much more for him.

Pleas helps I have a dating problem?

Ok I have been trying to go out with another girl the only problem with it is that all the girls at my school are users and s. It gets to the point where my emotions just like lurch at me and it's the felling of a first kiss jumping at me. What should I do.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Is anyone willing to join me to send the cigarette package pictures back to our legislators?

They aren't talking about putting rotting liver pictures on liquor bottles or beer cans. No talk is made of putting drunk driving carnage on auto service center waiting room walls. They're not mentioning and have forbidden pictures of aborted fetus to be displayed on billboards or abortion clinic doors. These hypocritical law making bums are disgusting Americans and communists who are subverting our nation, keeping us divided, and undermining our country. We think it is time to throw their insulting disgusting antics back in their putrid faces. Let's mail these pictures back to them like we mailed our pink slips to them by sending all cigarette package picture we collect to a central location to have them FedEx them to each and everyone of these dictator legislators. Not only this, the pictures I've seen are of AIDS victims dying and are being used on cigarette packs as the result of cigarette smoker cancer patients. There isn't a decent or honest politician left in Washington, D.C. They have all become nasty and corrupted to their inner cores. Lets push their nasty pictures back in their faces for these next 2 years that we're stuck with them and then show them all the door. The TEA party will supply us, we the people, with the replacements. And don't forget the obese people pictures are next to be required on the Fast Food hamburger wraps and on the happy meal boxes. Let's just do it.

What is the difference between crochet cotton and weight yarn?

I found a pattern for crocheted string bag (like a shopping bag) but can't figure out what weight yarn is? Can anyone help me?

Why am i losing weight but gaining muscle?

i thought muscles were heavier than fat! During summer, i work long hours in the sun.. hard physical work... 50 hours + a week... but come winter time, i do about 20-25 hours a week and its light work! i notice i get fatter during winter and lose some ammount of muscle! so at the end of every winter, im about 170 pounds... 5'11... but then after a few months of summer.. i drop down about 2 pants size... get really buffed , big arms , big muscle lol... also eat subway mcdo and harveys everyday during summer and i drop to 160 pounds! shouldnt i be heavier? and for the fastfood, my metabolism is still very good... no worry about that... in 11th and 12th grade, ate mcdonals every single day and didnt gain 1 pound! :P anyways if someone could tell me why im lighter when im more built up, it'd be appreciated! ty

What are some techniques that programmers could use in order to refine?

What are some techniques that programmers could use in order to refine their code later to be more efficient or easier to read and understand.

What can I use as a replacement...?

Depending on the size of the pom poms, you could make your own using thread or yarn. Or, if the pom poms are used to make the bunny itself, try making little of fabric and stuff them. But frankly, pom poms are not very expensive, and you might be best off just going out and buying a bag of pom poms to get the look you are after.

What fishing line is best for me?

Just got a St. Croix Triumph with a Abu Garcia Revo and need some line for them. Something 10-14 pound and easy to cast. Smallmouth and Pike. Under $20!

What kind of fish can I put in a 1 gallon tank?

Is there any kind of fish that I can put in one of those little 1 gallon tanks? A little tetra or something? I am not a hobbyist; I just want a little fish tank next to my bed so I am looking for something that can fit in one of those. I don't want a snail. Maybe a little African frog or something? If there really is nothing that can fit in that small of a tank then what about a 5 gallon? 5 gallons is as big as I can go next to my bed. Please don't be rude. I will do my research on suggested fishes but I don't even know where to start...

What's your review of the Chickenfoot album?

I liked Get It Up the most close behind Soap on a Rope=) I also liked that they kind of have the AC/DC and Beatles sound to their songs. Thanks Beatle=)

Where can i find information on..?

Please help me.. i need to find information on the imperialism of one of the following: Burma, Philippines, Sumatra, Borneo, New Guinea, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Nigeria, Togo, Cameroon, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Angola, Southern Rhodesia, Northern Rhodesia, Mozambique, MAdagascar, Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, India Peru, Uruguay, Paraguay, Columbia, Venezuela, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile or Brazil. Please give me some websites that i could go to to help me find information on any of the above no matter how much or how little the information. Im very desperate. ive been working for hours looking for information on everything and haven't gotten a single piece and im unable to go to the library.. its due monday ]:

How many carbs should I eat?

I really want ti get fit for bikini season, and I think a low carb diet would work. Don't get me wrong; I am not doing something like The Atkins Diet. I just want to eat less carbs because I love pasta. :( How many carbs should a 130 pound person eat to loose weight?

I gave my child gerber juice from mid of 5th recommende to start solids from 5th month .?

my boy dint accept it with milk so tried with gerberjuice and he liked that so i cont.. giving him cereal with juice but now i worried regarding he is 6months 2weeks old. now i am cont giving milk, 2 times cereal with juice and gerber food 1 pack daily from start of 6th month. is itok.please let me know .giving juice with cereal doesnot harm my baby right.please let me know

Does any one know of a bandana that would match theese snowboard goggles?

they are von zipper pork chops a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a thats a link to what they look like id like something orange and bright blue or a link to a website that might have em

Am i affected by second hand smoke?

i was wondering if i am affected by second hand smoke. my dads smoked for a long time, before i was born i think, and he quit smoking about 4 years ago. he smoked a lot when i was little, but it was never inside the house, always out in the backyard, but i know i breathed in a lot. i am now a freshman in high school. am i still affected by second hand smoke? i just got bronchitis a couple of weeks ago and my lungs have never been able to expand all the way. i was wondering if these problems are caused by second hand smoke?

Hey Grizzlies fans, or NBA fans, do you think Rudy being injured is going to hinder your team?

Okay, let's speak hypothetically. Griz bring the series to 7 games, does not having Rudy Gay become the final factor for your team's chances against the #1 seeded Spurs (aside from homecourt and overall talent that the Spurs have)?

Which puppy names are better black and buckskin pit bull puppies?

An APBT should never be anything close to "fatboy" "midget" or "bullerball" they are quite lean and agile dogs. If you have bred pits that would fit those names then you have a litter of mutts. Do you have ANY idea how many pits die in shelters every day? What is wrong with you? Spay your mutt.

I need a great Roller Derby name...PLEASE HELP?

Need help with creating a Roller derby name!!!! Please help...I am looking for something catchy. Any ideas would be much appreciated!

Obama not appearing on SNL tonight!!!?

i am so upset that obama cancelled appearing on Saturday Night Live tonight becuase of the hurricane in Texas...the hurricane has nothing to do with appearing on the show...Catastrophe's happen all the time and I cant believe that stopped him from appearing on the show!! Is anyone else mad about this??

Sick 30yr old mother please help ?

hi my mother just turned 30 today and she is felling very hot like a fever now i know that sounds common but the weird thing is her finger nails are yellow she does not smoke an she just noticed her finger nails today please if you know what it is and or how i can help her or you have gone through the same thing please help

Is the atkins diet ok for a 15 year old to try out?

no way hunny , your body is still growing and if your fit and heathy , carbs are good for your bone structure , you can cut down a bit on bread and pasta , but you need it at your age hun to maintain heathly growth , and keep you strong . ok good luck, make sure your diet has loads of protaine, as in veg, fish,dont let it take over you ok , im hear if you want to talk xx also drink , milk , yoghurt, and any calcium products, thay wont put pounds on you but keep you heathy . gottit hunny, get back in touch with me if you want , take care xxpaula .ATKINS is a no no hun x more harm than good x

2012 dec 21 end of the world?

Yea, it is the end of ........THE BAD THINGS in the world. Many top astrologers have predicted this , even in their visions some have seen and just see around you can see the turmoil...all vices surfacing ...just to say goodbye after troubling us for few months/ years. So,don't worry.

Can you help me with this Kinematics question?

Two objects A and B are on parallel tracks. A accelerates at 4m/s^2 to a maximum speed of 10m/s. B starts one second later and has a maximum speed of 12m/s. What acceleration must B have to overtake A, 10 seconds after A left?

Electoral Votes - The Math?

If you were to add up solid blue states and leave out leaning states, states listed as blue but have a margin of around 4% as well as swing states, you would roughly get 250 electoral votes. This pretty much guarantees Obama the winner does it not?

Help, Mold discovered In Babys bedroom?

You are getting mold because there is insufficient ventilation in the wardrobe, I bet the mold is on the walls of the room which are enclosed in the wardrobe. either leave the doors open or create some sort of ventilation in the doors

Do bandana's always have gang affiliation, or can you wear them just because you like the look.?

I live in the lower part of nj, and i have a lot of bandanas, but never wear them because i'm afraid people will get the wrong impress and start poppin off at me. Do you think this would be a problem or can i just wear em because i like how they look?

Sri Lanka, Bangladesh or India?

Try Singapore or Hong Kong , Hong Kong has a fantastic mix of everything beautiful malls , and different cultures , you may want to check out rual country areas in the United States , stay away from big cities , take a tour of ghost towns or go to places like Putt in Bay or South B Island located in Lake Erie in Ohio . Rota , Spain and Barcelona are good places to go. The Florida Keys are really laid back. There is a huge flea market with a restauraunt with Amish food vendors, and an open air market located in Hartville , Ohio . Tons of small country towns abound in the U.S. Parks and caves , fishing , swimings , camping , amusement parks. Just stay away from the typical tourist traps. Book a stay on a ranch , go see an aviation museum . Get a welcome packet sent to you from each states' tourism sites online. Rent a car and drive to Canada and see the Falls. Look at the USA not as a whole , judge it State by State. There are many different cultures in the U.S., read up on the good ones. Sri Lanka would be my pick , I would not feel safe in the others. I suggest these days the best way to travel is with a group and stay with a guide.

How do i make my smaller in 3 weeks? I cant fit in my dress HELP!! please please please :(?

I have banquet in 3 weeks i bought the most gorgeous dress. I think my s are too big though to make it fit it sips up until it almost there but it looks like i need to loose some weight or something.Help me please its such a pretty dress i would really like to fit in it. What should i do!!? Do i need to loose weight on my ? How do i do that?

Is that Jermaine O'neal For Shaun Marion Traade going down or what?

Only if JO proves he is physically alright. Pat Riley is not an idiot he is very calculating and ytical as a coach and more importantly as part owner and PBO.

Step daughter is a pathological liar...any advice?

I think there is definitely a problem. Kids do lie but what your explaining is that it is not just an offhanded lie, she is making up elaborate stories to go with them. My advice is that the first thing you should do is go to her father. Make sure he discusses everything with the mother first befre you do anything though as if they believe you are taking their daughters wellfare into your hands without consulting them it will cause unneedded friction. So first explain to him what is happening using examples and experiences but make sure you don't sound like you are trying to get her in trouble. Then tell him that you think it might be beneficial to take her to the gp just to make sure everything is alright, make it sound like it is just a checkup though because if you make it sound like you think she is crazy then he will just go on the defensive. Tell him that, as you say he just ignores it because he can't be botheres dealing with it tell him you will take her to the docter so it doesn't inconvenience him. The doctor will ask you to explan the problem and if you ask they will probably let you be alone with the doctor for this bit (Which I would also reccomend as the child might feel they are being 'told on' or be embarresses or hurt) and then they will probably call her back in for a couple of question and then make a decision on that on what the next move should be. I can tell you care a lot about her so getting help and making sure everything is alright with her is the best option and if you go about it the right way things shouldn't be too difficult :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Does anyone have a good link about the japan nuclear plant?

well i've been trying to look for a good link that talks about the nuclear plant and what they're trying to do to prevent it but i can't seem to find it every site i view talks about the earth quake/ tsunami I live in colorado and i'd like to keep up to date with the nuclear power plant and know if it is comming my way so i can try to get away from it any links/forums will help thanks. and do you think they will be able to stop this from happening?

What does this dream mean? Kinda disturbing?

well.. i had a dream that i was playing a game on my grade 8 trip that you have to ask people random questions. Adam Lambert[big fan] was there too so obviously everyone rushed up to him to ask. The only question I heard was "hey Adam! would you ever get 2 cats?" and he replied "only if i can name them cowboy and igloo!" and i fell to the ground laughing in my dream. But then.. our teacher told us we HAVE to do something for science so we followed her and there was a lit fireplace and she said you HAVE to jump in this mulitple times it will only hurt for a couple of seconds and you come out alive.. so I watched my clmates jump in the fire.. it ended by me begging not to do it because i was too scared for the burns. Yeah possibly the weirdest dream ever.. any ideas what this means?

Why did the Bush administration violate the constitution by giving federal grants to Christian organizations?

There is nothing wrong or unusual with the government giving grants to non profit organizations. They are still not permitted to use the money to promote their faith. That isn't the problem with the faith-based initiative, the problem is that they are now exempt from employment regulation and are allowed to discriminate. Before that program went into effect, they would not be eligible if they did so.

Ok, then, Christians, let me rephrase this?

I find it weird that back in the day, god was vengefully smiting people left and right, and now he's apparently a hippie.

What do you think of this name for a girl?

It is absolutely stunning. Like honestly. Awesome. I love how you shortened it to Gwen to. That is fabulous! So awesome that you aren't choosing a cliche name. :D

Social security number and green card?

i arrived here in the states three weeks ago on an immigrant visa how many days will i wait to get my social security and and my green cards it is holding me back to start my life on or can i use my a number that they issued me on my poe as a temporary ssn

A simple question meant to be answered simply?

Sorry to be so harsh with the question but i always get a bunch of crap whenever i ask a simple question. Does publisher on Microsoft word like is it able to have six panels for a brochure. It says 3 and 4 but i was wondering if there was any way to have six sides. Thank you for simple and nice answers!!!

Don't you think Mitt Romney deserves some praise?

So is that what Republican moral standards are reduced to? Gaining praise for not cheating on their wives or tapping their feet in airport restrooms?

Is there any chances of Earth spins in opposite direction?

Or Solar System spins around Sun in Opposite direction like now, left to right, to, right to left. Not vice versa. Scientifically, In Physics (Pardon my English)

Chem help please?!?!?

A beaker contains 250. mL of 0.0320 M H2SO4. What volume of 0.0600 M KOH solution is needed to exactly neutralize the acid?

Why do people need to hate on us for having a 4wd?

I asked a question of if we should have a landcruiser or a prado, we already have a landcruiser but I am thinking of changing, and I get negative answers about being a gas hog etc. I care about the environment a lot but we live in the australian outback and we need to have a 4wd as it is safer for hitting into cattle and kangaroos plus we drive for 14 hours and have a car seat in the back, another one to add in december AND two dogs (plus suitcases and shopping!) I get why people don't like 4wd's in the city, but why do people automatically ume that other people live in cities anyway?

Help pls....why does it hurt when i have a ?

sorry if i ask too straightforward. I don't know how to put it in any other ways. When me and husband have an , if he does it a little bit hard or deep, my stomach would hurt ad my lower abdomin (how ever you spell that)...and especially i'm on top, and ithurts really bad. not my but my abdominal...does anyone have similar problems and do you know what is it or what is causing it?.... thank you very much in advance

Should I date other guys? Or cheat? Or just wait it out?

In about 3 months it will be 2 years "on" for me and my boyfriend. We've been on and off since we were 14, but the last 2 years we've been really committed and monogamous. But a couple months ago he got into a fight defending his stupid *** friend and got locked up. I was there and i saw the whole thing. He wasn't involved in the initial argument, but got sucked into it to defend that idiot friend of his. Long story short, he's going to do between 12-22 months. We won't find out for a couple weeks. But the problem is I don't know if i should stay with him (faithfully), fully break it off with him, or stay with him and just date a little on the side. I know a lot of people hear prison and go "OMG, your stupid!" or "Oh he's worthless and you're dumb if you stay with him!". I've heard the same damn insults and remarks from people who have one image of a criminal in their mind. So if you're one of those close-minded biased people please don't respond (Thanks:D). Anyways, he's a really good boyfriend and he's always treated me like i was angel and made me feel so good inside. He's been in trouble before and was on probation when he got incarcerated. On the other hand, he was almost off of probation, had gotten back in school, was staying out of trouble, and getting his life back on track. Reading this back to myself it seems like i've already made my decision to stay with him, but a part of me just isn't sure. I'm just still so ****** mad at him for trusting his friend so much to do the right thing. And it just makes me even more furious the fact that he stood up for him!!! He knows he ****** up and he's beating himself up about it (trust me), but i don't know if that's enough for me. My heart loves him so much because he's really my best friend. But then my mind keeps telling me to take advantage of this abrupt freedom and really see what's out there since i've onlt been with him for so damn long. My sister tells me to stay with him but to date around because i'm not married and he'll probably try to lock me down when he gets out so i'll have no other chance lol. But i'm not the cheating type (like i said we were monogamous). And he even told me he'd rather have me break up with him then cheat on him. If i cheat, then what's the point of staying with him? Then i'll have to deal with the guilt and betrayal on my shoulders. But i can't leave him because i know he's depending on me so much. Keep in mind we've been tight since we were 14 so i know he doesn't really have anyone besides his mom and dad to support him. (Like I told him, thousands of times, his friends won't even remember his name when he's locked up or gone! And sadly I was right.) As you guys can see i've really, really sat down and thought about this hard as hell. But i still can't decide what to do. If you were in my shoes what would you do? Help me! (sorry it's lengthy, it's all been bottled up!)

I need your cooperation. Can u judge who is the better singer bet. these 2 singers?

I think that they both sound great.. The second video was slightly worse quality so it was more difficult to judge but from what I could make out... Was that you?? If it was WOW!!!

How could travel when i want to study out my country ,oh im in so bad could i do that. thanx?

i have professional in x ray machines so i m technologist in x ray trully, iwant to study engenerring in oil or whatever i have no money i mean plenty of money , now days im looking for organization to take care about me .so im so depressed .realy im 23 year old im one son in my femaly . i leave in sudan khartoum my phone number is 0024918068448 now im dreaming .or what i hope that all comes true.

Obama for real?

is he like tiger? accepted because he is half white? or he he like oj accepted because he is just really good at talkin nice.

Why are they letting Dog the Bounty Hunter back on tv?

It's obvious that he is a racist bigot that hates black people and got caught expressing his racist views. So why is A&E letting him back on the air? Please no racist responses, I will delete your answer and block you.

Help me,I have to babysit my 8 year old cousin!!!?

My baby cousin can drive a crazy person crazy.And right now i am on the brink of insanity. I literally want to take the iron on hit him over the head. But I wont because I am getting paid (bigtime) But i hate him soooooooooooooooo much.

Wut are the gametes of a genotype?

wut are the 2 (only 2) possible gamates produced by a plant that has a genotyp of Aa? and wut are the probabilties...thnx

Rate and tell me what you think of these "G" names?

My favourites are George and Grace, I love both these names. I think that Grant, Graham, Gordon and Giles are more 'old man' names (not that this is necessarily a bad thing). I like Gabriel and the nickname Gabe is cute, but I don't really like Gable or Gideon. I like Gabriella, but not really your other girls names. The best four, in my opinion, are George, Gabriel, Grace and Gabriella.

Do you guys think she likes me?

she is very cute girls..and very nice...and today i gave her some skittles and she was very happy...i like her but i not sure if she likes me..i wanna ask her but i dnt kno yet.....she lets me in her personal space and lets me hug her and touch her...what do you people trully think

I had with a stuffed dolphin is this normal?

Well a few weeks ago at the shore I won my girlfriend a stuffed dolphin. She forgot to bring it home so she left it at my house. Well I seen above the fin on its belly there was somewhere I could poke a hole. I was felling really horny and was not in the mood for . Anyway I poked a hole in it just wide enough so I could fit my in it. After I made the hole I filled it with hand lotion and warm water. After that I Had with it. I just need to know what im gonna tell my girlfriend when she sees the hole. also is this normal?

Ive recently been diagnosed with an underactive thyroid. What can I expect. Does it affect wieght loss.?

Im 53 yr old female. My thyroid function tests were great until march this year now they show i have hypothyroidism. Im on thyroxine 25 mg. I lost 20 kgs in the last part of 2009 but now I have regained 3 kgs. Will this problem stop my Weight loss from continuing. What other problems can I expect.

Will a pair of zebra finches raise another pairs chicks?

Pair keeps throwing its chicks out. 1-2 days old. I keep putting them back in, but they keep doing it. I have another pair that have one baby and look after it well. It is about a week old. Can I put the other two in with it? Will they feed it and think it was their other two eggs that hatched?

What songs do you like from the late great Robert Palmer?

Wow, Robert Palmer was an amazing singer. I loved his solo work especially "Addicted to Love". That video will forever be etched upon my brain. I especially loved the work he did with Power Station. That was a dream band.

Has anyone noticed that Bush is trying to sabotage a highly likely Obama Presidency?

That missile strike in Syria, heating up things with Iran, the fiasco with launching an air strike in nuclear equipped Pakistan, the list just goes on, what do you think he's really doing?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Why is WWE so racist?

I realized that the WWE only pushes blonde girls with skinny figure. Look at MIckey last week. She had the title for 2 weeks then lost to Michelle McCool. If the girl is not blonde hair they have to be super skinny and look like a barbie doll. This is so immature. When was the last time WWe pushed a black or asian woman and vice versa for men? WWE is racist. if u don't believe me look at Shelton he has been in the buisness for 5 to 6 years and no World/ Heavyweight Title yet he can make wrestling look so real. But Cena is at least a 5 time champion with five moves. WTF?

Am I normal? Is anyone?

I think you need professional help....most of this is probably coming from the drugs and really messes with you. It's really all in your head. Just get help and talk to someone, you'll be fine I'm sure.

If we as americans want a green world why then does our government let imports from countrys that pollute?

If we stopped imports from countrys that dont comply with our own EPA regs. and basic workers rights then companys would stay or relocate back providing more jobs and helping the world enviroment, why wont they do this?

I am making a poster on pendulum history. What would be a good title? Thanks!?

It's all about where pendulums are and facts about them. The title can include something about swinging. So just give me what you have. :)

I had a weird dream ?

I had a dream were I'm having with my sister am I sick I woke up felling discussed at my self my sister Is 20 and I'm 14 can someone helP

How is my diet plan?????

Eating healthy full meals each day is better that snaking even if the portions are small. Eat 3 meals a day. Not 1/2 meal and snacks.

When you hear someone is "worldly", what type of person do you think of?

To say someone is "worldly", does that literally mean the person loves to travel and flies to a different continent every three months, or does "worldly" actually mean something else unrelated to a person's frequent geographic movement?

Does anyone know about copyright law relating to scans of books in the public domain?

You cannot do this without authorization. If you obtain the PDF for personal use related to normal academic or research activities, that would be entirely different, but commercializing this would be criminal.

Do you think my ex will be jealous?

If you enjoy where you are now - get rid of the ex. Totally eliminate him from your life. Erase all face book, you tube, email, any mention of him. No relation deserves the inclusion of a third person, especially an ex of either one of you. Quit playing with your happiness, you may end up with nothing.

I'm 18 and am about to go on my first date EVER...?

Ok hun, 1. if he thinks your fat and ugly then he is a jerk who your better off without! 2. dont listen to his friends calling him a 'tart', thats their opinion and you have to make that decision for yourself whether he is or not. And with the date, just be yourself coz that is who people go for,girls that are themselves, not acting like someone they want them to be. Your be naturally nervous so dont worry and enjoy yourself =) good luck!

How to get rid of a site that has attached to my address book?

a site http://; and has attached itself to my contact list and is sending out e-mails to these people and companys this is being done when I am not home or even when I am off my computer. I have gone to their site and requested that they stop 3 times now and they will not I have had to delete my address book to stop these people from sending them these e-mails in the subject line they put NO Subject. How do I get ride of this parisite?? also when a few friends opened up the e-mail it asked them to go to and sign up for YAHOO? whats up with that?

What to serve with my pecan tarts?

cream,creme fraiche,ice cream,or whipped cream,arggh,the chioces seem endless.What would you have with it?

What is the grandfather paradox as it relates to time travel?

Well, I was thinking it had something to do with a bizarre uous situation where you could actually end up being your own grandfather...You know, like in Back To the Future, when Marty met his mother, before she had married his father, and she was infatuated with him...

How to make a short story feel "Slo-Mo"?

Just do a lot of slow motion shots of trivial little things, like how a little bit of dirt was dispaced by the wheel as the biker started his ride down the mountain, how the wind swept back their hair, them gripping a little tighter on the handlebars as the speed changed a bit, etc.

What movie was Edgar Poe's poem, 'Annabel Lee' in? ?

I thought it was the Notebook, but now I'm not so sure. We're reading Poe's work in English, and now I'm curious. Er, any ideas?

What colour eyeshadow would suit me?

I have pale skin, long and very dark (almost black) hair and dark green eyes. I'm a bit makeup illiterate so I have no idea what would work for me and what wouldn't hehehe

Did i over eat today?

First of all, 132 lbs. at 5'9" is a great weight for a female your age so you shouldn't stress out too much about losing weight. In fact, if you tone up, you may weigh more due to your muscle increase but you will look much much slimmer and probably go down a pants size. That being said, if you are serious about getting healthy, here are some tips that I would like to share with you. I have recently lost 25 lbs. and I cut out sweets as much as possible. Once or twice a week in moderation is fine, but you can't eat ice cream and candy every day. Also, if you are eating greek yogurt, you DO NOT need ANY protein powder. That stuff will do you absolutely no good and you will get plenty of protein from the yogurt. It's great to snack on fruits and veggies throughout the day to boost your energy and keep your stomach from growling. The most important thing is to cut out ALL SODA! There is nothing natural about diet soda. It is complete poison for your body which we fool into thinking is being hydrated when in fact is just being pumped full of artificial sweetener. I know you've probably heard it before but the most important thing you can do is drink water, water, and more water. It will keep you hydrated, less hungry, improve your skin, and helps your body purify itself. Plain water is the best way to go, not any of those artificially sweetened and flavored powders you put into water, no vitamin water zero, etc. I hated the "non-taste" of water when I started drinking so much of it and now I love it. Also, develop an appreciation for hot tea. It is full of anti oxidants and is a great substitute when you are craving a flavored drink! You didn't particularly over eat today, but if you just change a few eating habits you will start to see really great results. Good luck!!

Which autobiography is the best?

Never read any of those, but Bob Dylan's Modern Times is a good read, my dad has it and I borrowed. Interesting story

Would you like to live in Point Roberts, Washington?

No. I like where I live. Even though it's geographically located in a unique place(in regards to the the USA), the town appears to be to way too small for my liking--there's only about 1,000 people living there!

Im an average looking guy and in a relationship with an average looking woman who has a promiscuous past?

Listen buddy, in my experience the good looking popular guys are usually morons with an average IQ of 85. The chicks might want to be with them for some fun but they're not going to marry them!

Should I send him another email? Or should I wait for him to reply?

I am in a long distance relationship with my bf of 2 months. We normally keep in touch with each other through emails. He is on a business trip at the moment and hasn't emailed me for a week as he is busy. I emailed him twice, but he hasnt replied. The last time he was on a business trip he didnt email me regularly as well. Should I send him yet another email to show I havent dissappeared or should I just wait for him to contact me, no matter how long it takes. I know he needs space while at work but at the same time I dont want him to think I have forgotten about him.

Will a 1066mhz Processor run on a 1333mhz Motherboard?

I am looking to buy a Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 Kentsfield which has a 1066mhz FSB and a BIOSTAR TForce TP43D2A7 LGA 775 Intel P43 ATX Intel Motherboard with 1333mhz FSB. Will these 2 work with eachother or do I need a 1333mhz Processor? Does anyone have a better recommendations for a processor in that price range paired with that Motherboard?

Does anyone else find this awkward?

You're walking down a long hallway or corridor at work/school/wherever. Another person is approaching, someone you know, but not very well. You're the only two people walking toward each other. It's awkward to make eye contact from to far away or say hello. I kinda keep looking down till they get closer, than look up and say "oh hi" like I just noticed them. I've seen people take out their cell phones or do something else to look distracted. Does anyone else have weird experiences with this situation or am I the only one?

Who do you think the best leader Ramdev or Sonia Gandhi?

When talking about leadership only, leaving other plus or minus, Ramdev is not the best leader at present since he do not have mental strength to take proper decision at critical times though he is yoga guru.It is evident from his jumping from dias and running in to crowd and hiding behind the ladies by wearing lady`s dress.

Is it possible to change a recessed Floyd Rose trem into a tune a matic or tone pro bridge? If so how can I?

I have an ESP LTD MH 100qm and I like it allot but I would like to change the tremolo to a standard bridge. Is there anyway I could do this my self or should I take it to a guitar professional?

Can anyone name one thing that John McCain has done to prevent this economic crisis from happening?

Barack has opposed the war in Iraq since its began. That is what has gotten us into this economic crisis, that and bad trade agreements made by the Bush administration, for those of you who argue its not, then what in your mind has? For those of you who argue that the gas prices is what has caused this economic crisis, what is it that you think caused demand to go up and supply to shrink? Could it be the war? Bush running Chavez out of town telling him we didn't need his oil?

How does base pairing differ in RNA and DNA?

In RNA the base Thymine (T) is replaced by Uracil (U) because Thymine cant move through the cell membrane.

Buffalo Bill?? 10 points to whoever answwweerssssss?

i need to find a good reliabe source that would explai to me Buffalo Bill's life, a biography...and the reason for that is because i need to make a tall tale, which is an exaggeration of his life, or a part of his life, where i use simile, metaphor, colorful language, hyperbole, enhanced abilities, and exaggeratedplot. Please give me tips or start me off please--i am makin a poem...but wht part of his life should i exaggerate? and please give me a reliabe source? 10 points to whoever answers....I swear

Omg this is so embarring *please help*?

its okaayy. it might be embarrasing but you can tottally get over it. when you stepped nin it u shoulda just laughed it off. one time i fell into a creek on a feildtrip and got my new nike's dirty. my foot fell throught the mud and i fell first. everybody was quiet. i just laughed. then everybody started to laugh. it was still fun even though i smelled like ****. lol

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Week 1 Fantasy Football Decision?

My flex spot...The recently starting Maurice Morris against the Bills or Matt Forte against the Colts??

TB skin test positive?

I had a tb skin test done a few days ago and the nurse read it today saying that it was positive and I need to see my doctor. The red bump is almost gone. I also had chest x-rays done the same day as the tb test but the results of the x-ray is normal and clear. I don't believe I have been in contact with anyone that has tb though and I did test negative on a skin test when in high school. I do remember getting a booster shot for something when I was a kid. It was a 5 or 6 hole injection or tester? maybe for tb. This is the first time I tested positive. Could it be a false positive? I also had the hep A vaccine done in the same arm as the tb skin test at the same time, would that create a false positive?

Why my friend's laptop will not get past the HP start up screen?

I have only seen this when the mother board is scrap but one cure could be to remove the BIOS battery and reset it. Then reconnect and try again

In what song by Kris Kristofferson does he say?

That they had been hurting each other for so long now that it doesn’t matter who is right or who is wrong anymore. He thinks that it is a shame that at one time they believed in forever and now it is just a line that get’s sadder every time they try because they just keeping making the same mistakes?

How i get her? and HELP!?

I am NOT typing my 2000 letter question again.. so here's a summary of my other one that some reason didn't work or did and won't show up.. ok. So there's this girl I like. She just graduated 8th grade and I'm going into 8th grade so yes she's 1 year older. She's not going to the same high school and I told her that I like her so she knows which idk if was smart.. I asked her if she would ever like me. She said no. Only friends. This saddened me even more. I had other things in my past that are still making me so depressed I'm thinking about suicide. I only talk about it with my friends cuz I only feel comfortable talking to them about this. Actually I only text it. Its just so hard on me lately and they just keep saying that I'm a drama queen when they don't even know what's happening. So back to the girl. I doubt she even is my friend. She doesn't seem like it at times. I made a promise to myself to never fall for another girl. I seriously like her a ton. Not "puppy love". There is something else. If I to fall for another girl, the only way to stop myself is by killing myself. PLEASE HELP ME. And I mainly want girls to post answers cuz you know more about girls. Like is she playing hard to get which I'm about 99.99999999999... etc% sure she isn't.

Does she looks more aztec or spanish?

She is pretty but I got to say that not all mexicans have aztec blood. There are different kinds of indians in Mexico. But she looks mestizo. She doesnt look more like the other.

Who else thinks Nicole Richie has a good body?

Me too. I am glad she got back to a normal, healthy weight. She looked fine on her Simple Life Days too.

How do you find variable cost using the marginal cost equation?

In order to get from marginal cost to total cost you integrate the marginal cost function with respect to Q to get TC=C+1.5Q^2. Since you are given that FC=10, C=10 in the total cost function. That is, TC=10+1,5Q^2. So the variable cost function is VC=1.5Q^2.

Why are my apparently peaceful schooling fish chasing each other (aggressively)?

I recently purchased a school of 7 silver tip tetra,they are in a large planted 6.8 They are constantly chasing each other and not schooling at all!! Why is this?

A question regarding traveling with a toddler and a baby?

Is the 3 month old in a baby carrying car seat? You should bring the babies car seat and the 2 year old is probably going to have to go without. I have never traveled without my car seats but I dont think its a big deal to do so. Except for with the 3 month old. That is a little more dangerous.

Askd b4 but Got no Resolve...Make a big Deal or Not...Mature Matter?

True not a perv story: Got mage from therapist that I'd come to know well just by going to her and seeing her around town, upbeat and friendly...maybe too friendly tho...the latest mage was decent until the last 30 min, the therapist askd me to roll over for the front to be done. Note: I normally just get the back done since the 30min is cheaper but for the first time I got the whole hour full body. So the backside is fully uncovered, nothing out of the norm since she gave a great glutes rolling over I was frontally exposed until I on my own pulled the sheets up. She offered a thicker towel for comfort/privacy I accept. To my surprise she lifts the sheets back, takes my bare into her bare hands & wraps it in hand towel. Nothing else beyond normal and finished the mage. It was obviously uncalled for but nothing else other than the few seconds lack of covering made me feel awkward...should I even make a big deal of it?

I am going to apply for some clothing store and perfume store jobs at oakland mall,what should i wear please?

Well, first impressions are everything and you need to make an entrance and something to make you stand out from all the other applicants. March straight into the interview dressed as Wonderwoman, spin round and bang your fist on the desk and demand they give you the job. It's a sure fire way of getting noticed and employed.

How common Is the virus HIV/Aids, Please support with accurate statistic to back answer?

Most Vulnerable Group that can easily be affect, What part of the world (i.e. Africa, Asia) + statistics

Prelude conversion FWD to RWD?

Well first off you would have to get a different motor/ combo, like a F20C/F22C from a S2000, then you would need a custom drivetrain fabricated for the rear differential, axle housing, and a custom tunnel would have to but cut and made in the center of the car which means custom rear seats made, and a custom center console, then the issue of electrical and engine wiring would be an absolute nightmare, also the seats might have to be changed due to the width and clearance for the center tunnel, an exhaust would also be needed to be custom made s the factory one sits where the driveshaft goes, you will have issues with the steering column where it enters the engine bay as far as clearance. So after all is said and done you can expect about $25,000-$40,000 in parts, labor, and fabrication.

Has anyone heard yet if richie sambora and heather locklear are divorced yet?

the only thing i've heard about so far is the home recker and her husband charley sheen divorcing. but nothing about richie

In which field i would have more demand and well salary civil or mechanical draftsman?

I'm in kuwait(middle east) and wanted to know in which field i would be well payed and which field has better demand in kuwait(middle east),and what is the starting salary for a civil draftsman as well as mechanical draftsman in kuwait(middle east)?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Could it be that our universe is actually a big computerized simulation?

So unfortunate. Creation has now become a insipid COMPUTER simulation. What is happening to our BRAIN

If something really, truly exists, do you really need a lot of metaphysical proofs establishing its existence?

That is the big hole in the whole story. I agree 100%, the religious and religions spend tons of money and time to convince the gullible that if they obey they will be rewarded after death. Nothing could be more laughable!

Is sachinism an addiction?

really to be frank i m addicted to this man sachin..i just cant think of anything wen i see this guy batting..not even my exams...huh yest i ws soooooooooooooooo disappointed tht my sweetheart almost fought like a tiger alone in the battle..he did this many times...against australia and pakistan and sri lanka...yest my heart broke wen my hero almost reached there but bcoz of those inefficient tail enders sachin ***** get name as ponting and steve waugh or micheal bevan or wht evr...

What are the steps to become a dentist?

Keep up the good grades and take as many sciences as possible. Chemistry is a major science you should keep up with.

Any preschool christmas ornament ideas?

Does anyone have any good ideas for making homemade christmas ornaments? This is my first year teaching preschool and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas.

Different Greeting Cards?

Does anyone know where you can find different greeting cards? Like cynical cards or something like that. Cards for your baby momma or baby daddy for example. Just to give and example to get on the right track.

Wwe breaking news!!!?

adolf hitler hitler get pissed at john cena and jeff hardy a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How do you do a punnett square on x-scid?

like i know how to do them but how do you make one on a person affected with x-scid and a non effected person...also how would you do an accurate parent genotype, genotypic ratio and phenotypic ratio????

Need help :) i just finished bleach and i need idea's for animie?

i like animie thats action and comady like inuyash,naruto,naruto shippuden,and bleach i aslo liked BD BDZ and DBGT but i want to watch more lol somthing thats long like bleach and is funny and fighting and somthing thats unreal like hollow transformation or the nine tales somthing cool like that but i dont want to jump from animie to animie trying to find one so can somone please name some animies and there story line thanks alot for thoes who care:P

OMG :D Was he flirting?...Is he really into me?

Some guy I know has not seen me since I was little. Once he saw me, he was amaze and he said "You are really pretty. I hope that God conserves your beauty" and he said it with so much emphasis. He was just looking at me head to down with EMPHASIS. And he just kept saying it and my female cousin just nodded her head like "Yeah" like it's true, my female cousin said that I'm beautiful. Well plenty people tell me this. But wow.. is he digging me? But he was like looking at my body

Group One Golden Rose - Denman, Phealan Ready or Trusting?

I love Denman-you are right-hes gonna be an absolute superstar!Hes tough as nails and also brilliant at the same time.Hes been winning very convincingly with big weights and the 1400 will be ideal-K.Mcevoy on board-down to 55.5kg,well drawn.Looks the goods to me.

Why Prince William was sitting below a Premier in Australia?

Prince William is not a head of state; he's not even first in line to the throne. At the moment, he is just a prince, and there are plenty of people in the world who outrank him when it comes to such things as order of precedence in other countries.

What are some similar bands to the bands i listed bellow?

What are some similar bands to Hawthorne Heights, Finch, Silverstein, and Sugarcult. So basically im looking for emo or post bands that are similar to the bands above

Are any good movies coming out this month? I think I have seen all that I want to see & have a gift card I'd?

like to use.....I have seen Avatar....the one with Daniel Day Lewis...I have seeing UP IN THE AIR...Sherlock Holmes......I haven't see the one with Hugh Grant & Sara Jessica Parker but what else is coming out. I don't like violent movies or horror movies...I like comedy, romance, spiritual, true stories, I get bored with car scenes...Are there any movies I can look forward to seeing this month?

What is a good song for a slideshow/movie for my bestfriend thats a 13 year old girl that is longer than 6 min?

Well the question kinda tells it all it can be from itunes or youtube. it has to be like a friendship song i would really like it to be a newer song? anything would be good like a newer full song or a mashup of songs like with bruno mars and a bunch of friendship songs

Whats a good mall to go to in Atlanta?

i'm going to atl, ga tomorrow for my brothers graduation and i was wondering whats some of the best malls to go to I'll be in the stone mountain area/ decator/decab so i was wondering what are some good malls to go to and what are some cool places to see?

Are Chargers fans kidding themselves by thinking the Chargers are going to win the AFC West?

I think the Broncos and Raiders are both better than the Chargers and the Chiefs will be alot better with Cel at the helm

What happened to hersheys amazin' fruit gummy bears?

they are no where to be found in stores or online. we should write Hershey's and tell them to bring it back! that was my favorite candy.

Is anyone having so much pity for American football lately?

Football (proper version) is the best sport in the world, not our fault Americans are to dumb top see it well most not all are that dumb.

Has a lesser know player on your team been great this year?

I love the Red Sox and we've had some rookies and lesser know players have an impact. Darnell Mcdonald spent 12 years in the minors and at age 31, this is his 1st time being a regular on a team. He's been solid hitting and fielding. Also Daniel Nava and Ryan Kalish have been great so far. Also pitcher Felix Doubront has been great and he has the potential to be a great pitcher. Bill Hall has done way more than I expected of him to do. Is there a player on your team who has contributed more than you had expected?

What does the song right round by flo-rida mean?

it means you make my head spin round when you go down , meaning when you get , so the feeling of oral makes their head spin round figuratively


You need to make a case to the IRS. They are used to making such determinations. If the mother didn't work at all, she doesn't have to file a tax return and can't claim a dependent. If she made only a little money, she can't support her claim that she's supporting herself and baby. If both parents claim a child, the parent with longer period of being with child wins over the child with shorter time--you. But she has to have income.

What do you think of this for the upcoming draft?

You make some very good points. I would love to see Triple H and Edge stay on the same show as they haven't really ever had a good program together, and they are two veterans that absolutely could do it. However, having the two best heels in the company today, Orton and Edge, on the same show would not be a wise decision.

Joe Flacco or Matt Ryan??? 3 BQ?

matt ryan all the way. joe flacco walked in to a better team and did ok, matt ryan waled into a horrible team and made them good!

Which is correct about mohammeds claims?

mohammed commanded his disciples to use violence against those who reject Islam, yet he said violence should not be practiced in the name of religion (Koran 9:5,29 - pp102,111; cf. 2:256 - p32) .

Are these people your next President's best friends?

One. Obama isn't the next president. Two. Obama is the answer to your question. Three. Hillary Clinton for president!

Was Glenn Beck’s Religio-Death Rally a success?

Going by all of the questions about the rally from obvious Liberals, I would have to say it must have been a success.

Fantasy Football 2010 Trade?

Green-Ellis is a solid flex guy in most leagues, Johnson's value relies on him getting in the endzone, Buffalo is on a bye and after that has a brutal schedule. As long as you're aware that a QB/WR combo is feast or famine and you're willing to take that risk I say go for it.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Them Crooked Vultures to be Leeds / Reading special guests again?

I don't think there's gonna be an album before the end of the summer. I know that QOTSA are touring in Europe, so I don't think there's much time for an album...

Is dissociative a real word?

Every time I type dissociative in Microsoft word 2007, it is underlined as misspelled. However when i google the word it doesn't suggest other similar words, so i umed it to be correct, and even some dictionaries have it, and some don't. I'm confused.

I can't find this hat in a crochet pattern. Can someone point me in the right direction?

I'd suggest contacing the seller and asking her what pattern she uses and if there is a crochet version.

Do i have to put quotes around an mla in text citation?

I'm just not sure if the actual quote needs quotes. does it need them if its a direct quote? and what about if your paraphrasing?

Fig Season?! When is it!?

When does fig season start in california? I have been looking for figs but cannot seem to find... I know they must be out of season, but i am wondering when they will be available... Thank You.

Where can I buy steel bladed kamas that can be sharpened?

Any hardware store or home improvement store in Japan. Seriously, just about any imported pair that isn`t made to look cool for demos will do. If you can`t find them at a martial arts website try They import tools for carpenters but probably have gardening tools as well. Can`t get more authentic than that.

Generally speaking, does failing to ping the DNS suggest the ISP is at fault?

I have been experiencing very random internet connectivity issues. when my internet connection suddenly fails, I can ping successfully, my PC's IP address, my routers address, my static IP address as igned to me by my provider, but I CAN NOT, however, ping my provider's DNS address. To rephrase: I CAN ping the ISP's DNS normally. During an outage I can not. Does this mean my ISP is to blame, generally speaking?

Im workin on my heelflip?

i have been skating for about 3-4 months i can ollie pretty good but i cant seem to get my heelfip i can get it to spin right but its like it goes foward a little and i only land with my front foot i cant get my back foot to it

How do I get rid of this Link Redirecting Virus?

Sounds like a browser hijacker. That is a virus. Run your anti-virus program. If you don't have one and you of course can't search, enter this url into your address bar. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How to write a farewell card for teachers?

Just tell her what you just told us, that you feel so lucky to have had a wonderful teacher like her and you appreciate the time and effort she gave to you. Teachers love to hear that their hard work for not alot of money is really appreciated and makes a difference in the lives of the kids that they teach.

Inquiring Minds Want to Know: If Sarah Palin is So Qualified to be Vice-President, Why Didn't She Get Invited?

To the White House by Republican Secretary of Defense Gates and Republican Secretary of State Rice along with candidates McCain, Obama, and BIDEN to discuss the Iraqi Security Agreement?

Is this a good PSAT score with no practice or prep work?

I took a practice PSAT at home without doing any practice work and got a 191. Is this a good starting place? If I go through my book and learn some strategies and take some more practice tests will it improve?

What's the best place to buy baby things online in Australia?

I LOVE a href="" rel="nofollow" - even though they are a bit pricey. They have the best quality and most innovative products

What Can I Get My Very Special Granddaughter For Her High School Graduation Gift?

I think this a very lucky young lady. I hope she appreciate you. I think a trip would be nice. But, if she is working this summer and that does not work, Maybe Money would be best to help her when she starts college. I would think $500.00 - $1,000.00 would be a big help get her started.

Depressed help please.?

I'm going to go ahead and ume English isn't your first language,but if it is I would be depressed too. You couldn't string a sentence together or spell basic words if your life depended on it.

Do you guys in the US know what this is?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

The moment of conception does it begin before the fertilized egg implants and if so then.....?

The moment of conception is when the sperm s the wall of the egg and the two nuclei react causing the egg to become a zygote. The tail having done all the leg work in the long swim up the l cavity is promptly discarded. It implants after it has multiplied several times.

Is purple haze all in your brain...?

Purple Haze - Jimi Hendrix Experience. One of the greatest songs ever written, along with others by him.

Do you like the music video "crazy" by "britney spears"?

hello i wanted to get the music vid "toxic" and "one more time" but they do not have it can you tell me if it is any good i like the songs with interesting dances like gwen stefani or mariah carey please tell me if i shouuld get the mv "crazy"?

Asthmatic Bronchitis (Respiratory problems?)?

All of this is normal. And, your blood counts would be lower due to the antibiotic use so there was probably no point in rechecking this. The burning veins is caused by too rapid infusion of the antibiotics and the nurse could have slowed the infusion down if you had told her it was burning your veins. If you have had your prescriptions filled and there are no instructions on the label of each bottle, take them back to the pharmacy - someone made a mistake. They cannot dispense medications to you without directions on how to take them. You need to give this more time because your condition does not go away overnight - expect to be coughing for several weeks even after you have finished all of your meds. You can go to and type in bronchitis and read up on this condition.

AFL and a 17th team?

Should there be 17th AFL side added to the afl? what are the advantages and disadvantages of this for the AFL as a businesses and other clubs.

What do you Americans think of Australian rock?

4 thumbs up for Ozzie Rock. I have and regularly play the vinyl I have of AC~DC (with Bon Scott, if you please), Eurogliders, and Men at Work.

Can A Democracy Become A Dictatorship Even With A Monarchy?

i'm sure there are laws in your country to prevent the overpower of a dictator. In the US, if we don't like a president we can kick him out of office. Also checks and balances.

Guys help please!!!!!?

guys wat type of girls you like? do u like them being smart, funny .well u know wat i mean. and wat type of clothing do u like them to wear? hollister, punk, or wat ever you guys have in mind.hey and do u mind seeing them in pj's? this guy sorta saw me wearing them during the oh wait one last question... do u like girls hispanic, american, african ...........?

Does anyone know the name of the late 1980's rap artist who made the song...( You give rap music a bad name)?

No it was not a local band and no it wasn't Bon Jovi! It was a rap artist!!! I need someone who listened to 80's rap to answer this or possibly look it up on bearshare, Limewire or Frostwire for me. For some reason I can't download those sites.

Traditional Mexican Cuisine Recipes... Anyone please....?

Getting ready to plan a dinner party for my boyfriends relatives. They are Mexican ... I'm not:( Just some tasty not too complicated dishes:) But not Tex-Mex...

Am i gonna be arrested maybe from ares?

i download some music when ever i want a song all i do is search the song in ares and download it like nothing. i never download it from online websites. i never got in trouble from this or anything. and i never pay for music that a promblem but am i illgeally downloading. and if it is illgeal then why would they allow this software if it a major thing. like am i breaking the law if i download anything i want from a program they allow people to download and stuff.

Do you think my teacher had inappropriate things in mind?

kind of sounds like it, no male teacher tells a student that there "beautiful", even if he was jocking he could still get in alot of trouble, sounds like he liked u more then in a friend or student kind of way

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Is Morse/CW used on 70cm GMRS?

Amateur morse on 70cm is around 432MHz. GMRS frequencies start at 462MHz so goodness knows who replied to you.

What to turn tshirts into?

I have some old tshirts that I dont want to throw away. Other than a quilt or bag what are some ideas that I could turn them into?

Is Caster Semenya's gender questionable?

yeah i feel bad for the young lady this must be really embaring for her. this situation was not handled in the best possible way she is young and that information should never have been leaked. she looks like a man but for the sake of the sport i hope she is a female.

Question for the older ladies out there (post menopausal)?

I'm just wondering if anyone feels the way I do. I've gone through menopause; I mean it's long past, and it seems as though now that my periods have gone so has my drive. I mean I don't care if I never have again. If any of you younger ladies are reading this you won't understand because I would have never believed it myself. I used to wonder how the older widowed ladies out there could live without a man in they're lives, but I understand it now! I'm not really looking for any solutions, although I'm sure they are out there. I guess I'm content with things as they are. I was just wondering if anyone else feels like I do.

Does anyone know any good scary/gory films that have a lot of blood and guts in them?

silent hill is quite disturbing if ur into that. you cant go wrong with the saw series.also hostel,dawn of the dead (remake),the hills have eyes,american psycho,scream,nightmare on elm street series,childs play series, any texas chainsaw macre flick. theres a ton.

Why are the Americans so confident in there military?

I was reading a statistic saying if the Americans go to war with the North Koreans they Would lose 250 000 people. Now just taking a guess you would triple it to 750 000 wounded with makes it 1 000 000 causalities. North Koreans with old iron wooded rifles with old rusty ranks and cheap uniforms with a tin helmet. How can Americans suffer this much from a bunch of Barbarians? :O Every forum I been on Americans say they can bring China, North Korea, Russia to its knees in 6 months to a year and destroy everything in their military. Its funny how they think there so good and get there *** kicked. Look at the Eastern Front in World War II. Germans were seen as the best, lots of men, best weapons, best tactics, best strategies, best modern everything, and they still lost to the Soviet Union. The Soviet army back then was in much worse shape then the Russian army is now. So what makes the Americans think they will win against Russia? Look at North Korean statistics, it will be much much worse with China or Russia.

How do I write a paper in MLA style?

A lot of teachers frown upon these auto-citation machines on the Internet, but I think they are great. The naysayers argue, "If you don't do it yourself, then you'll never learn how to do it." Well, unless the Internet implodes, citation machines will always be available. As an English teacher, I would encourage you to use one of these sites (e.g. in order to save time and focus on the most important stuff: the content of your paper. Good luck!

Has anyone worn blind eye or cataract or hazed contact lenses before?

I am asking this because I want to know if you can see clearly out of them or if your vision becomes hazed as well?

Where can i got ares for free?

i need to download some music but my brother delete mine i cant found the one i had please halp thanz

How would I hook up 2 115,000BTU deep fryers to one propane tank?

I have a fry truck and have been asked to attend a special event. I have 2 deep fryers that are each 115,000 BTU's. Would I be able to hook these up to one line and run from one propan tank. What size regualtor would I need and how big of a tank? Any help would be great. Thank you :)

Coronation Street....where's Amy?

Just wondering who is looking after little Amy McDonald? Steve is on honeymoon with Becky, Liz has flitted off to Spain to look after Andy who is sick and she's not with Ken and Deirdre, mum Tracy is in Prison...anyone know whose supposed to be looking after her?

Can a person peer through an (apparently invisible) friend or object under hypnosis?

Yes, I once saw a comedy hypnotist show in which a woman was informed that all the men in the audience were naked. Their mind would just make up what they think would be behind by what is around the sides or if they've seen the behind before.

Magazines, cananda, prices?

okay, so i want to have a suscription to seventeen, and teen vogue but i was wondering if i have to pay more since i live in canada to have a suscription. I also wnat to kow how much the average amount of ra suspcrription is?

Anyone here know anything about the genealogy of the White family in CT?

More specifically I'm looking for the parents of Henry W White born November 4, 1823 in Haddam, Middle, Connecticut and died about 1902 also in Connecticut. These are his descendents as it concerns my family: Henery was Frank H Whites' father, Frank was Harold Frank Whites' father and Harold was Chester Patchen White Sr.s' father with Chester being my Grandfather. Any help would be awesome. Thanks. :)

These girls won't leave me alone; its making me really miserable. what can I do?

I moved to the United States from France because of my Dads work and aside from a two weeks at the beginning, my time here has been miserable. A group of girls have been making my time at school terrible for no reason except me being French. I was fine at the beginning, but then things changed. 2 boys had asked me out in the second week of school; I’d said I was just getting settled but doing something as friends would be nice. This seemed to set this group of girls off on me; they started making comments about me being ‘easy’ but I was just asked, that was it. Every time I speak they mock my accent, I hate speaking out in cl because I can always hear their laughing. If I’m walking in the corridor, they’ll kick my heel to try to trip me up. I’ve always liked fashion, but I never wear anything now except plain clothes and I never wear dresses anymore, because they always take my clothes as an excuse to mock something. I feel miserable. I’ve met some nice people here, but these girls are making it impossible for me to enjoy anything. I’m afraid to tell a teacher because I think they won’t do anything because I’m foreign. I know that sounds stupid, but I just feel like that. I’m sorry if this seems like a bit of a rant; I just wanted to get it out. has anyone been in a situation like this? how can i deal with this and stop it happening? thanks for any advise

What kind of instrumental musics is suitable when studying?

I used to listen to hill songs while I'm studying, but I'm thinking to switch to instrumental musics, because I started to sing if I listen to any songs. I tried few instrumental musics online, but its making me to sleep. It sounds like a lullaby for me. Any inspiring motivating instrumental music that you know? Thank you for sharing.

I don't want anyone to see me because I'm pg and don't like the way I look. Is this normal?

I don't like people seeing that I have gained weight.I'd rather stay away from everyone, have the baby and reappear a few months after the baby is born when I am hopefully thin (ish) again.

Keeping a goldfish entertained?

Fish only have 3-second memories. They'll be endlessly entertained by anything you put in the tank. When they turn around, they'll be surprised to find anything at all. Every 3 seconds.

Did you know that iraqis killed jesus?

they did you see they shot down santa's slay and a magical piece of s*** came to jesus for help and they went to iraq freed santa from horrible iraqi torture but on the way up an iraqi shot jesus and he died.

How do I hook my telescope to my laptop?

I have a meade ETX-60AT Astro telescope with Autostar controller the only other port i can see is the aux port. What wire will i need to hook it to my laptop? Thanks

Do you Ever feel AMAZINGLY happy for no reason at all XD?

Sure, every now and then I will wake up with a smile that doesn't leave all day - and I have no idea why

Setting in Edgar Allan Poe's works?

Setting has a lot of significance in his work. Usually his stories are set in gloomy, dark, atmospheric settings. Like in The Cask of Amontillado, the end of the story takes place in a dark, humid, scary wine cellar.

My bf told me that I dried him out....?

and yet when I snuggled close to him, he got excited many times a man can shoot in a day? His record was 6 times in nearly 2 hours. I want more of him. Will this kill

I'm to excited for high school..? Please answer this question!!?

plan events with your friends-sleepovers, parties, eating lunch out, shopping, mini putting these things and you'll find yourself being in the present...that's awesome that you're excited for high school, it goes by really fast to have fun and be true to yourself! good luck! :)

My girlfriend says that our relationship feels like a dictatorship(we've been together a year)?

She feels like I'm a dictator, but I don't believe I am. I'm your average man, but I actually act like a man(with a backbone). I always do stuff for her(stuff she asks for) all the time(listens to her needs), but I guess when i disagree with something, she expects me to follow her lead, but i'm not going to if I don't agree with it(then she argues). I always listen to her and value her decisions, but i will never stop being the man in this relationship. Does she want to wear the pants and wants me to follow her lead?

Farewell speech and qoutes..?

hello, ma principal is retiring and i have to write a farewell speech to be delivered on the last day of her in school, can u please tell me what all to include in that, and how to express it. please do write some good and motivating and emotional quotes.

Husband not able to have . I'm considering an open marriage - how do I gain my husband's approval?

Since our marriage over 4 years ago, our life has gone from sporadic-at-best to completely non-existant. A YEAR has gone by now since we've even tried. He's on anti-depressants, which we think is the problem, and he's asked his dr. but the side-effect can't be avoided (he's tried them all). He doesn't wake up in the morning with what other men have to contend with, is Master of His Domain because he has zero interest, etc. Before we married, the was great, but he got depressed and picked fights - so a "happy & less" is better for us than "good but lots of fights". He's a lovely man, great father, and we have a good family life. But there's something missing - it's like living with my brother. I'm pretty, in fab shape and am 34. I want permission to go outside the marriage (wouldn't be often, maybe 1-2x a year?), but my husband won't hear of it. Are my only options a) be dishonest/cheat, b) no from-age-30-to-death or c) leave happy marriage for lack of sex?